Friday, August 24, 2007

Too little time

The past few days in Mount Gambier have been beautiful and warm. You can definitely feel that spring is in the air. I wonder if winter will get it's revenge and come and bite us on the bum?
It's Mount Gambier.

It seems strange that winter is coming to close already! I have only realised how many more sweaters and dresses I would like to knit and wear before the season is through. Now that it is coming into autumn in America all the magazines have shown fabulous new designs to tempt me!

Here are some patterns I am loving at the moment:

These three aren't new fall designs. They are from Rowan studio issue 1. The best part is that they can be sent to you via email though so no more expensive international shipping costs! Picture number 1 is the design I have chosen for all that pink mohair featured in my previous post. The yarn they used is kidsilk haze, doubled, so I am confident it should work out. Although, I am pretty sure the colour has to go. I'll look like a giant stick of fairy floss.

Here is a Phildar design which has been on my to-do list for a number of months now. I love the slouchy grandpa cardigan look it has.


Anonymous said...

This is gorgeous, I have to have this pattern now :)

Beerwolf said...

Hey, do you by any chance know where i can find the phildar cardigan pattern?