Sunday, June 3, 2007

Burn, Baby Burn

It's musical year again at my school and auditions were held last week for 'Disco Inferno' which is set in the mid-1970's. This year I was casted as a back-up singer and 'voice coach'. I am not quite sure what being a voice coach involves but I get to make up all the harmonies all three back-up singers, including myself. I am very excited!

Knitting has been going slowly due to the sudden influx of due dates and exams. At the moment knitting has been my stress release time more than anything. Thermal is making some progress still and I am quite excited about the finished product:

I also jelly-dyed some more merino bambino. I followed Eunny's tutorial for making self-striping yarn. I am not sure how 'self-striping' it's going to be but it will have some nice colour graduations. The pink is raspberry jelly, the dark pink is port wine jelly and the yellow is the original colour of the yarn. I am very pleased with how it turned out.


Unknown said...

Your own dyed yarn is such a beautiful colour. Looking forward to seeing what you knit with it :)

m0nigrrl said...

It looks gorgeous. I want to jelly-dye but I've never found good instructions on how to do it. Do you have the link to the tutorial you followed?

Austysmum said...

Your yarn is absolutely GORGEOUS! Did you know you can mix jelly packets too? I have been experimenting with blending colours lately as well as food colour dyeing. You should try it - you will be a pro in no time! Have fun with the musical.